Marko Pogačar, predsjednik

You are currently viewing Marko Pogačar, predsjednik

Marko Pogačar rođen je 1984. godine u Splitu. Objavio je niz knjiga pjesama, eseja, putopisa i kratkih priča. Priredio je antologije Hrvatska mlada lirika 2014. i The edge of a page: young poetry in Croatia. Bio je urednik u Zarezu i Quorumu, suuređuje portal Proletter. Bio je stipendist fondacija Civitella Ranieri, Passa Porta, Milo Dor, Brandenburger Tor, Literarische Colloquium Berlin, Internationales Haus der Autoren Graz, Krokodil Beograd, Literaturhaus NÖ, Récollets-Paris, Poeteka Tirana, DAAD Berlin itd. Nagrađivan je hrvatskim i međunarodnim nagradama za poeziju, prozu i esejistiku, knjige i tekstovi prevedeni su mu na više od trideset jezika.

Marko Pogačar was born in 1984 in Split, Yugoslavia. He has published thirteen books of poetry, essays and prose, for which he received Croatian and international awards. In 2014, he edited the Young Croatian Lyric anthology, followed by The Edge of a Page: New Poetry in Croatia (2019). He was a fellow of, among others, Civitella Ranieri, Literarische Colloquium BerlinRécollets-Paris, Passa Porta, Milo Dor, Brandenburger Tor, Internationales Haus der Autoren Graz, Literaturhaus NÖ, Krokodil Belgrade, Poeteka Tirana and DAAD Künstlerprogramm Berlin. His books and texts have appeared in more than thirty languages. 

  • Post published:26/05/2020