Goran Čolakhodžić

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Goran Čolakhodžić (1990.) prevoditelj i pjesnik, završio je studij engleskog i rumunjskog jezika i književnosti u Zagrebu.

Dobitnik je nagrada Goran za mlade pjesnike 2015., međunarodne nagrade Mostovi Struge za najbolji pjesnički debi i nagrade Sfera 2018. za najbolju minijaturu spekulativne/SF tematike u prethodnoj godini. Prevodi s engleskog, s rumunjskog i na rumunjski, samostalno i u suradnjama s Anom Brnardić Oproiu i Adrianom Dumitruom Oproiuom. Povremeno se bavi književnom kritikom i drugim kulturnim djelatnostima. Od 2017. jedan je od urednika Besplatnih elektroničkih knjiga (BEK). Sudionik je pjesničke platforme Versopolis. Pjesme su mu prevođene na više europskih jezika, a prva zbirka u cijelosti mu je prevedena na makedonski.

Objavio: Na kraju taj vrt (poezija; SKUD Ivan Goran Kovačić, Zagreb, 2015.), Pred gradom su kosci (poezija; HDP, Zagreb, 2018.)

Goran Čolakhodžić (b. 1990 in Zagreb) is a translator and poet. He holds MA degrees in English and Romanian from the University of Zagreb. In 2015 he received the Goran for Young Poets Award for his poetry debut, „Na kraju taj vrt“ (In the end the garden), the volume which also won him the Bridges of Struga Award (North Macedonia) in 2017. His second book of poetry, „Pred gradom su kosci“ (Reapers at the city gates) appeared in 2018. That same year he won the SFera Award, the only national award for the SF genre in Croatia, for a speculative short story. Goran translates prose and poetry from and into Romanian, as well as from English. Since 2016 he has been a member of the Versopolis international poetry platform. His poems have been published in a variety of magazines and translated into a number of European languages, and his first collection has been translated into Macedonian. Goran has been a member of the organizing committee of Goran’s Spring Festival since mid-2017.

  • Post published:01/01/2020